Originally published by Safework NSW on safework.nsw.gov.au
It’s easy for you to report unsafe work and be completely confidential – if you want it to be.
You’re at work and you notice something unsafe …
You try to tell your boss or supervisor but they brush it off?
Or they sort it out but it happens again the next day?
Or you don’t tell anyone at all because you’re worried it might create problems for you?
There are a million scenarios that if not fixed or reported can lead to an incident where somebody gets seriously hurt or even killed.
So Speak Up.
It’s now easier for you to report unsafe work and completely confidential – if you want it to be.
Speak Up triggers a routine SafeWork NSW response: your report is assessed, and we take action as needed.
For instance, if you decide to provide your contact details we might first provide advice about what you can do to help fix the issue.
You’re not alone – we will talk you through how you can raise the matter with the people responsible and what the law says about what you have described.
If what you have told us could potentially cause a very serious incident, we might need to send an inspector out to your workplace.
If you have chosen to provide your details, we will also keep you updated and let you know what the outcome of your report was.
You will also get a reference number so you can follow up your report.
This tool is specifically for notifying unsafe work – don’t use it to notify an incident, this should be done by the person in charge on 13 10 50, but you can also call this number if an incident hasn’t been notified.
Jodie Deakes, SafeWork NSW Director of Operational Capability, said workplace safety starts with everyone, even if you’re the youngest or newest employee or English is not your first language.
“We understand you may not always be in the position to raise an issue. If you have tried or can’t, we want you to use Speak Up instead,” Ms Deakes said.
“Speaking up about unsafe work can be hard for some. If you’re a young worker, you come from a culturally and linguistically diverse background, have recently migrated to Australia or you are working as a labour hire employee, Speak Up can overcome the barriers that stop you from asserting your rights.
“But don’t forget that while you have the right to a safe and healthy workplace, you also have an obligation to report unsafe work or unhealthy work environments.
“Consider approaching your supervisor, safety representative or employer first, but if you can’t the most important thing is that you do speak up.
“Dodgy is dangerous, so if you think something isn’t right – Speak Up.
“Speaking up could prevent you or your workmates experiencing the worst day of your life.”